Photo by Adan at it.wikipedia, CC BY 3.0, w/index.php?curid=7810323

S. Antonio Church

The church of Sant'Antonio Abate is located in San Daniele del Friuli

The first news about this temple dates back to 1308, the year in which it was again consecrated. The building was damaged by the Friuli earthquake of 1348 and then renovated and enlarged with the apse and the sacristy. The Istrian stone façade was built in 1470 under the rector Emiliano Cimbriaco: of late Venetian Gothic style, it has a suggestive openwork rose window with a carved Maternity and mosaic windows, among the first to be made in Friuli. In the lunette above the portal there are depictions of Saint Anthony the Abbot between Saint John the Baptist and Saint Anthony of Padua. During the Second World War the building suffered superficial damage, then aggravated by the 1976 earthquake; later an accurate cumulative restoration was made.

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